Sunday, July 22, 2012

How To Ensure You Are Highly Paid As An Information Consultant: Part One

Today I want to share with you something that I know that has been making money  for me big time as an information and internet marketing consultant.  I hope you will gain one or two things from this write up. Happy reading!

Who is an information consultant?
 Information consultant can be defined as a person who makes a living by researching specific topics, knowledge, facts, data and details, and offers his or her findings for sale as an expert or professional advice. In other world, information consultant provides usable information to buyers at a profitable fee. When you become a consultant, you offer your skills, knowledge and expertise to other people and get paid for doing this. When you become a professional consultant, you will be offering, your information, idea, expertise, and researched data for other business people to use. In return, other people will pay you huge money for providing them the information they need.
v  Get a Business Name: You must know that people like to pay companies not individuals. People feel safe doing business with companies and not individuals. Besides you will be perceived as serious consultant. Take a visit to C.A.C office and register your business under #6,000.

v  Have an online presence: You need a website and domain name to create a presence online. Very simple! All you need to do is to register your domain name, design your website and get hosted. If you can’t do this, we shall help you to do it at Mighty Mofaz Company at an affordable price. Just call my office number; 08162614257 or 08181429806

v  Invest in Resources/ Materials: Investing on learning materials and resources such e-books, books, audio and video CDs and some manuals will go a long way to expand your knowledge horizon. This will, in the long run make more money for you.

v  Always use a contract form when introducing your business to your clients: Try as much as possible to avoid haggling your fees. Always present your service fees in written format. This will make the Clients see you as a professional. And as such, you will be paid professionally.

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