Monday, May 7, 2012

Twenty Hot In Demand Million Dollar Internet Money Making Ideas

I want to share with you Twenty hot-in-demand million dollar internet money making ideas you could use to make more money following the ideas I share with you in this book, you could research into all of them and start generating tons, even bags of dollars.

Idea #1: Develop a  blog for  free adverts space for all categories of business and make money by selling list as well as selling traffic to interested buyers.  You could later turn the service into paid one.  Finally you could make more money by selling the websites.  Examples of free advert sites are many on the net you can search for this online.

Idea #2: Build a website for advert placement for a targeted category of business or niche.  For instance, you could build a website that will help makers of soaps to advertise their products.  One thing that is important here is that the site should be self sustaining.  Otherwise, the venture may not stand the test of time.

Idea #3: Build a site that gives up dates on pricing and industry news on a particular product or commodities.  For instance, you may build a website that provides updates on prices of Gold, Cars, Electronics forex.  For users to access this kind of information, they will have to pay for the services.

At times the service may be free, while you make your money through backend.  You may decide to sells affiliate products to make your money.  For example of this model, see

Idea #4: Build a website of links to other sites offering different or related services and earn referral fees for your services.  There are many sites that will pay you referral commissions for referring people to buy from them.

Idea #5: Build a home video site focusing on current or recent film releases in Nigeria and on actors or actresses making headlines.  You may decide to include shows biz news.  How do you make money from this type of website? You may sell other people products.  You may also sell adverts space to film marketers and producers. You may also sell link to other companies and make your money through referral commission.

Idea #6: Build a website offering best prices of hotels for tourists visiting your country.

Idea #7: Build a website offering free games and prize money to visitors to the site.

Idea #8: Build a website that offers free tips and advice on getting visas to foreign countries.

Idea #9: Build a website that offers free information on different wedding ring designs and their prices from different local and international retailers.

Idea #10: Build a websites of free addresses of foreign business contacts in a specified or general business category.

Idea #11: Build a websites that gives away free gifts or ebooks.

Idea #12: Build a websites where IT related jobs can be posted for skilled hands to view and apply online for these jobs.

Idea #13: Build a website that posts daily or weekly updates on the lives and activities of your country’s national team and of the individual players that make up the team.

Idea #14: Build a website that allows visitors to download free hit songs and music or just to download the lyrics.

Idea #15: Build a website that posts a day to day detailed calendar of important social events.

Idea #16: Build an instructional websites that teaches people how to do things effectively or that teaches people new skills e.g. How to use internet, how to make soaps, How to win the war of life etc.

Idea #17: Build a website that posts pictures and comments from society weddings of prominent people (local and international).

Idea #18: Build a website based on the services or product you are rendering.  For example you may build mini website to sell your product.

Idea #19: Build a portal website showcasing free news content, details, photos etc of local and international music or movie stars.

Idea #20: Build a websites that sell anything like books, cloth, computer or digital products.
(Culled from Starting “Small Finishing Big” by Taire Stephen)

The twenty ideas listed above is not an exhaustive list of ideas that can make millions of dollars for you online.  It is just a list of ideas to get you started on the trips of making countless Riches from the net.

Before, I go to the next section let me quickly tell you that building a websites does not in any way produce any result. You should be proactive and aggressive by considering various options of making money with the ideas.  There is a lot of ways through which you could make money with the above ideas.  You could sell advert space to advertisers who will be ready to pay you to advertise to the traffic your site has generated or is already generating.

You could also sell links to other sites that pay you referral commission.   And above all, once you have built enough traffic, you could sell your sites and make cool dollars to your account.  What is important about the business of internet is patience.  You have to build your traffic even though this takes time.  You must therefore, realize that internet business is not a get- rich quick scheme.  You have to put in the necessary amount of sweat before you could make reasonable money.  But, it pays in the long 

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