Monday, January 18, 2016

Follow These 5 Principles To Create Ad Headlines Part 2

Continue from Part one
  1.  Quantify what they will learn or gain
Have you noticed the increased amount of headlines that start with a number?
 There’s two reasons for this; first prospects are more likely to click your ad if they know what they will gain from it (7 tips to…, 8 ways to ….). The second benefit is that it allows them to scroll through your article quickly and read only the points they are most interested in.
Just type how to lose fat into Google and see the first page:

Every headline begins or has a number in the title. Using numbers is great when creating headline ads to promote blog posts or lead magnets. Not so much with time-sensitive offers or when selling products.
  1. Evoke an emotion
Nothing compels a prospect to click on an advert more than evoking some sort of emotion. The emotion can be anything from positivity, fear, curiosity (not clickbait), negativity, loss or gain.
Most Internet users are mindlessly using the Internet on autopilot and pass several adverts without even acknowledging them. A great headline is one that evokes emotion and temporarily brings prospects back to life from their online daydream:

Source: Punny
Of all emotions fear is arguably the most effective. The fear of missing out on a sale or losing a prospect to a rival is something business owners don’t even want to think about.
Fear is a great emotion to get the prospect to make a specific action (buying, opt-ing in). However, if you’re creating ads to build social awareness and increase engagement, evoking happiness through ad headlines makes people want to share content a lot more than fear.
When you follow these basic principles, creating an engaging ad headline is not that difficult. Before you put pen to paper or hand to keyboard, figure out the message you want to achieve with your next ad.
If your goal is to increase shares and comments, evoking position emotions and crafting headlines that encourage prospects to get involved (like asking a question) are going to convert better. When directing prospects to a landing page, providing instant gratification on what they will gain from clicking your advert (quantified in numbers) will increase conversions.
For your next paid advert, come up with two different headlines that use different combinations of the 5 principles above and see which methods best resonate with your audience.

Tom Bukacek

Tom Bukacek is a best selling author ("Marketing Miracles" with Dan Kennedy) on the subject of social media marketing. Tom Bukacek is the CEO of Black Box Social Media LLC, (BBSM) an online marketing company that uses the latest digital marketing strategies, such as video marketing and pay per click marketing, to allow businesses to get found and generate leads online. BBSM also has created the video step by step Pay Per Click training program called "Social Media Ad Genius", taught by National Speaker Curt Maly. For more information about Pay Per Click Marketing, please visit

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