Saturday, May 9, 2009

Discover the most effective Step-By-Step Money Making System In Existence...

"This System Makes the owner At Least $171,168.06 Per Month And You
Can Start Using It 15 Minutes From Now"... the sytem is so simple that all
you need to make it work is a minimal effort

"Guaranteed to work even if you're "un-motivated"...
In fact, it's best if you only put in an hour or so per day!"

If you are looking for a system, developed by millionaires, and proven to
generate at least $354.97 per day from home, this may very well be the
most important you will ever read!

Above all the system will work best for you if you are one of the people that:

I don't want a boss to tell me what to do.

I don't want to be on anyone else's time clock.

I don't want to wake up to an annoying alarm clock.

I don't want to commute anymore and sit for hours in traffic.

I don't want to spend more time away from home.

I don't want to worry about expenses.

I don't want something that requires training.

I don't want to waste my life away working for someone else.

I don't want to be told what to do.

I don't want to be told how many days I can go on vacation.

I don't want to spend time away from my family.
If this fit you well why not check this out Click Here!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Letter Writing For Profit

An Ohio woman earns a part-time income writing long personal
letters to prisoners, shut-ins and service people. Her clients:
families and friends of the individuals who explain the likes and
dislikes of the people she writes to, and she corresponds with
them along these lines. She advertises her services in nation
tabloids and charges a few dollars per letter. This must be a
very rewarding service!

Several small concerns in the US and Canada do fairly well by
drafting custom letters. Among their requests are love and hate
letters, eviction notices, prank letters, "Dear John" letters,
termination notices, even notifications of damage done to a
friend or neighbor's property. In short, they specialize in
writing letters that their clients for one reason or another,
would rather not write themselves. They also make phone calls
for the same reasons.

Custom letters such as these can fetch from $10 to $50 depending
on the subject matter, research and risk involved. The best
clients are office workers, executives, salesmen, professionals
and secretaries, people who know the value of a well-turned
phrase. If you're handy with a word and would like to try this,
you may have to advertise heavily and provide a bit of
complimentary service until you become established, as this is a
most unusual and little known service.
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