Friday, October 5, 2012


There is no need re-inventing the wheel once it has been invented and mass produced. All you just need to do is see how you can make use of the wheel to produce the best result you need it for. Therefore, we are going to make use of the report written by Ronald Nzimora on the topic. My intention is to let you know the best internet business you can do to succeed on the internet. Let go see what this internet guru has to say.

Now, if I asked you to pick the best internet business to start right now, which would you choose? You don’t know? Ok, here is a fact. Most people start out with blogging because their “favourite guru” says it’s cheap and easy.  Here is the news: Blogging isn’t easy. It’s just different.

I don’t oppose blogging, actually I have a couple of them, but I don’t think it’s the best internet business. This is because the entry barrier is low, and I’ve learnt in business that when the entry point into a business is low, everybody and their dog jumps in and the competition becomes too much.

I prefer it hard, when the entry point is a little hard, lazy people drop off, and there is a lesser competition. The fact is, there’s a ton of different ways to make money online . But I want to share what I think is the best internet business model.

In my opinion, the best internet business model for anyone starting online business is to create your own products and control all of your own assets. I don’t want you being vulnerable to other person’s business practices, pricing structures etc. I want you to control your feature. Here is the internet business model I promote, it’s consists of 7 simple steps:

Step 1: Determine what a particular group of people want. It can be a solution to a problem or just particular information that is hard to find

Step 2: Do a little research for the solution to that problems or to get that hard-to-find information.

Step 3: Write a short report based on the information you just discovered

Step 4: Set up a website and put up a sales letter for your report on it.

Step 5: put up a classified advert requesting interested prospects send you their names, email address and addresses and phone numbers.

Step 6: offer the information to them for a low price and smile to the bank

Step 7: Become a celebrity in your market. Plaster your face everywhere. Write with authority and develop a following

In the part 2 of this article, a practical approach of how the simple model works is detailed for leisure reading. See you then. 

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