Wednesday, September 5, 2012


If you want to succeed with internet, you must be familiar with information and information marketing. Why? Most of the digital products are information based. Our focus in this book is purely on how you can use the tool call the internet to source for the right information, package the information, design mini-site, publicize your site, and start making money.


So, who is an information Consultant? Let’s first look at the word ‘consultant.’  A consultant is a person who gives expert or professional advice; he or she is person who act as an advisor to individuals, technical or management staff or corporate bodies. He or She may be employed by corporate bodies to give expert or professional advice. The world ‘information’ on the other hand means knowledge, facts, data, and details of certain findings.


From these two worlds, information consultant can be defined as a person who makes a living by researching specific topics, knowledge, facts, data and details, and offers his or her findings for sale as an expert or professional advice. In other world, information consultant provides usable information to buyers at a profitable fee. When you become a consultant, you offer your skills, knowledge and expertise to other people and get paid for doing this. When you become a professional consultant, you will be offering, your information, idea, expertise, and researched data for other business people to use. In return, other people will pay you  huge money for providing them the information they need.


In the world of Efe-Imiren of , she said that as an information consultant you give advice, solve problem, make recommendation, or provide special work, such as programming, editing, designing, writing, or business analysis. As a matter of fact, if you are an information consultant, you are independent contractor not an employee of the hiring organization.


Below is the 35 information consulting Business you can start today as highlighted by EFe Imiren and me.


1.             Skin care Consultant.

2.            Personal Wardrobe Consultant.

3.            Weight loss Consultant.

4.            Sales Consultant.

5.            Marketing consultant.

6.            Social Media Consultant.

7.            Wedding Consultant.

8.            Online Business back-up Consultant.

9.            Fitness Consultant.

10.          Information Technology Consultant.

11.            Copy Writing Consultant.

12.           Property Investment Consultant.

13.          Process Consultant.

14.          Human Resources Consultant.

15.          Business Proposal Consultant.

16.          Personal Education Consultant.

17.          Personal Chef.

18.          Personal Shopper.

19.          Events Planner.

20.         Internet Business Consultant.

21.           Business Development Consultant.

22.          Online Content Developer.

23.         Website Design Consultant.

24.         Hair Style Consultant.

25.         Personal Travel Consultant.

26.         Financial Consultant.

27.         Small Business Consultant.

28.         Resume or CV Consultant.

29.         Advertising Campaign Consultant.

30.         Travel Planning Consultant.

31.          Visa Application Consultant.

32.         Entertainment Consultant.

33.         Internet Marketing Consultant.

34.         Public Relations Consultant.

35.         Traffic Generation and list building Consultant.


Having discovered the above 35 consulting areas, the next question is how do you become an information consultant as well as how do you make money from information consulting business. The answers to these questions are very simple. First, you need to know that an expert is a person with extensive knowledge or ability in a particular area of study. He or she is an authority in his/her field and is well recognized as so by members of the community.


Therefore, to become an expert you have to do the following:


(1) Have experience in an area: For example if you have been working in a bank for some period of time and you have got an extensive experience. You can start a financial consulting business. You understand this; I believe.


(2)You must have the ability to do extensive research. Another thing that can help you is to have the ability to research into any area of interest. For instance, If you have prior knowledge about marketing, you can carry out more research and find out some other topics you don’t know or better still research on any new area you are being consulted on. I hope this is very simple.


(3)The third ways through which you can become an information consultant is to look at the above consulting areas and go arm yourself with effective training. You may attend seminars and workshops to know more about your area of interest.



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