Thursday, April 9, 2015

How to Make Money With Twitter (Part 2)

Here is the second parts of our article How to Make Money With Twitter. As you read the article in this section try and apply the content and don’t forget to share your testimonies. Let’s start the Journey now:

How Twitter helps You in making friends
For a long time, the Twitter website is just described in one way. It is just stating that the information on the site just flows in one direction, but it is not the case in any chance. While the main purpose of the Twitter website is to let the people know exactly what the person is thinking, for that matter listening. It is just like a slow moving messenger for the public. It is also an instant messenger. The user of Twitter also gets the privilege to ask any question they want to and at the same time they are also asked many questions by the people who visit their profiles. In fact through Twitter people can get many answers to the questions that can solve many problems in their life. In fact Twitter has become a major strength for many people to solve their problems.  
The site is a major giant in which there are all sort of people who can discuss any topic and they don’t mind in giving their advice to the people who want to take help from them. In short the person can think that Twitter is a valuable resource for many people who want to use it. 
As soon as the person sees a tweet on the profile he/ she can respond to it immediately as there are arrows at the end of the tweet that will let the person respond. Basically every action that is done by the person in any way is contributing to the conversation of the other person. Due to this, the person becomes a valuable part of the community and thus it increases the chance that the other people will follow you at the same time.  
The person who is using Twitter or is making their profile on it should keep in mind that to make a long list of followers it takes time. It cannot be done overnight. It is a lengthy process. There is no shortcut for the same and this is just the result of strong network on the site. At the same time, posting strong tweets so that the people enjoy reading it also plays a vital role in making a strong network.  
In Twitter the people engaged with the same also helps the person in making good friends and at the same time it is fun for them as well.

Twitter helps You To get attention in your office
The website Twitter relies on small posts and at the same time the posts on the profile are effective and its results are massive. The site has got major money to the owner or one can say the maker of the site. It is not only that, it helps the people in developing major relationship at the same time. The readers of the profile and the blog can exactly know as to what that particular person is up to. This is very different from what the person does through email. In this, the person gets the update from the other person in seconds as it just takes a few moments to post.  
There is a major difference of the people who stay online and then they chat with other people. It is necessary for both the people to stay online but that is not the case with Twitter. The most important or one can say dramatic part comes when there are a group of people who work together and they are scattered around the world and at different places. This is taking place on regular basis. There are people who even outsource their business outside their country. There are many interpreters that follow the same path. In short, a person who wants to build a strong team and wants to do good work, it is not important for them to stay in the same office. They can work from any part of the world. This had become possible with the launch of internet in the world. 
Before the launch of the internet, people in the world communicated with the help of the telephone. But now the person does not have to wait for hours to talk to the person they want. They just have to log on to the net and they can start talking to each other. Thus Twitter has made it possible for the person to know exactly what their friend is doing in their daily life. At the same time they can know as to what they are thinking as well. Whatever the person, does he/she can post it on their profile. The person will write the details on Twitter and it will start tweeting. Thus, the person will not have to wait for the telephone call. 
Thus the employees of a company just have to tweet and their fellow members will come to know if the other member is facing any problem. If there is any problem in work that is faced by the person, then they can just tweet and their colleagues will help him/ her out. 
Also there are many colleagues in the company who don’t feel that they should talk to anyone. They are reserved. Hence with the help of twitter they can help the person or colleagues who can get guidance from different people. There are many people who don’t get the attention from their colleagues. Thus they feel left out. But when they see that the colleague is working and at the same time tweeting then they can see that the particular person is someone who they can take help from. 
Thus Twitter helps a person who is not getting attention in the office.

The tweets on Twitter help you in getting close to your customers
The team of members in a company that tweets with one another should have such an effect that they feel close to each another. This can only come when the fellow members have great understanding as well as great communication. Imagine if the same thing can be done with the buyer and what effect will it have on them. If the company knows as to what the buyer or clients want from them or for that matter if the company knows as to what the buyers think, then that can help the business to prosper.
Also, the company will know as how to keep them happy. Also if the buyer is on Twitter and the company adds them in their profile, they will come to know if the client is satisfied with them or not. If they have any problems, they can solve it in just a short span of time. The company will have great advantage from the website of Twitter as compared to their competitors. 
When one brings this to practice, it is not as easy as it sounds. It is natural that to follow customers online is a difficult task. In such a case, to follow team members is not at all difficult. The company can always tell them to join the site but before that they should take a look if the client is already there. If they are not there, then they should be informed about the benefits that they can get from tweeting. If the person can encourage them to make a profile on Twitter, then that would be the first step to victory for them in the communication field and that one can say would be beneficial for the company as well as the customer.  
For example, there are many airlines that take the help of Twitter to promote their business. Not only this, practically all the companies in the world have their profiles on Twitter. This way they can promote their business and also they can solve the problems of their customers. This saves a lot of money and time for the company as well as for their clients. Twitter has made the life of people simple.

In the Part 3 of this topic, I will tell you why design is not important in Twitter and How this secret can help you to making more money by doing so. Watch Out for Part 3 How To Make Money With Twitter (Part 2).

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